Monday, July 6, 2015

Recap: Holy Whole 30

Hello Friends!

I forgot that I did not do a recap of my Holy Whole 30 and I've had quite a few people ask me about some and/or all of this challenge lately. So, if you are interested in it as well, take a peek at my honest feedback from my 30 Day REVival. Feel free to keep the questions coming because we are here to build each other up!

 My Mantras.

Recap: REVive the mind

Change your mindset, change your life.

Challenge: Do not log into Facebook for 30 days.

Results: Best thing ever! And you know what? When I got back on Facebook (yes, I am still a Facebooker) I felt ready to un-friend a few people. People that clogged my positive outlook and would bring Debbie Downer out to play. So, no longer do I see what they think/say/take pictures of.

Here is a trick my sister taught me a long time ago. When your Facebook friends' birthdays pop up on the feed, you have 3 options:
1)  Say, "Happy Birthday!!!!!" Seriously though, if this person is a "friend" or even a close acquaintance, wouldn't you want to wish them a happy day?
2) Un-friend them because if you aren't going to say happy birthday then (cough cough) let's face it,  you aren't really friends. It's liberating really - ha!
3) Okay, I know. The un-friend thing seems so harsh to some of us. The thought of people we secretly don't care for finding out that we've un-friended them scares us. So the last option is to just "unfollow" them and you still show up on their friends list but you want to know the best part... You get to skip out on all of their annoying posts.

Hope this helps!

Recap: REVive the body

Energized run!

Challenge: No sugars, processed foods, alcohol, or cheats for 30 days.

Results: Glowing skin, more energy, lighter on my feet.

Whole 30 is fantastical! Here are my tips for making it actually work:

Tip #1: Get your head in the game. Honestly, you have to want this 120% because it is NOT easy at first.

Tip #2: Do your research on the types of foods and drinks you can and cannot have. Know the program before you start. I did not buy the book, but I did check out their website, Googled the program, and followed their page on Instagram for recipe ideas.

Tip #3: Pick a start date, BUT give yourself enough time to research BEFORE the start date. You shouldn't be grocery shopping on the start date. I recommend grocery shopping two days before, do a little food prep one day before, and then start. This set me up for success.

Tip #4: Keep snacks around. Lara Bars, fruit, cashews, and macadamia nuts were my best friends.

Tip #5: MEAL PLAN!!!!! I had to plan every breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. It kept me on track and then I had the right food around so I wouldn't cheat.

Tip #6: Prep a little. Or a lot. That depends on you. I am not a weekly food prepper. I would chop all my omelet veggies and fruit on Sundays. And I would make my lunch the night before work. But, don't feel like you have sit inside every Sunday prepping your life away.

Tip #7: Create a visual reminder:

I made this sticky note countdown with rewards at the end of each week. It helped immensely. There is something about pulling off a sticky knowing that I stuck to it! Even better were the rewards at the end of each week. :)

Tip #8: Tell people you are doing it! A) It will hold you accountable and B) People won't buy you a glass of wine or try to force a piece of cake on you. :)

I've talked to a lot of you about this one and I am happy to answer more questions and share recipes as well.

Recap: REVive the soul
 Everyone needs one of these... I'll explain why.

Challenge: Put some things behind me and get closer to God.

Results: PEACE.

So, I'll start with that little plant up there in the picture. If you recall in my initial blog post about starting this 30 day journey, I talked about being in church and feeling the need to change some things. Well, in that church service everyone received a biodegradable piece of paper that had seeds embedded in the paper. So cool, right? The pastor asked the congregation to write down whatever was weighing heavily on our minds and hearts on that little piece of paper. Things we couldn't seem to "let go of" or feelings that keep us up at night. I won't share everything I wrote down, but a couple of the things I did write down were: jealousy and envy. Trust me, I had a few more items on my paper - never thought I had so much on my mind! When we got home we were told to plant that piece of paper to show that we are burying those thoughts and anxieties. I know this may sound silly, but woah! This little gardening exercise has totally changed my outlook on so many things.

I've learned that so much of what I worry about, stress over, and issues I have from my past can be healed through God. That he has all of the answers to my questions and concerns. And what's cooler is that those little seeds sprouted up to a plant! For me this was so symbolic. I can grow through Christ and all that "stuff" that is on my mind should be cast out. If you have some coo-coo thoughts going on in your head that are interfering with your positive outlook or interfering with your relationships, then go buy these little papers or just buy some seeds. Pray about it, bury it, and watch it (and you) grow in your relationships with Christ, family, and friends.

Not sure where to start on this Christian journey? I'll be posting about that soon. Or you can always reach out to me. Especially since I was NOT always a Godly woman and I still struggle with it today.

I hope you are having a great Monday! Make it a great week! xo

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