Thursday, January 1, 2015

100% guarantee

Back by popular* demand...

Happy 2015!

Now what?

Do you have your resolutions in mind for the new year? Are they similar to the goals you failed to achieve last year? Or maybe they are new and exciting, maybe even scary, hopes and dreams.

I know I'm pumped about my goals and I know I don't want to be part of the majority of people that don't accomplish their goals this year.

But have no fear! I know of something that will keep you focused on your resolutions. And if you follow this plan, I can 100% guarantee you will see results.

Here it is:

Get lost in The Good Book

Huh? Is this sister the coo coo one? Hear me out.

2014 was quite the year. Challenges. Triumphs. Everything in between.

One of my resolutions was to spend more time with the Bible. I incorporated reading it into my morning routine, I made church a priority, and I started putting God as #1. I am still a work in progress, but wowza-holy moly did it change me in such a positive way.

Those of you still with me, I urge you to give God an honest shot this year. If you've been in a rut
doing the same things and not getting results, then why not try a new method? I'm working on a post that links the most common New Years resolutions to Bible verses. I'm warning you though, it's tough love stuff.  No one said this life was easy, but it's worth it. Let's make the best of it!

I wish you all a happy and healthy new year! Here's to finally getting what you need to be the best you yet!

*Hey, everyone has their own definition of "popular."*

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